The Cortez Celtic Fair will host a Highland Games competition, Celtic bands, clan tents, a wide variety of food and merchandise vendors, and lots of kid’s activities. The event is free to the public. Beer proceeds are donated to local charities.
The eighth annual Cortez Celtic Fair is free to the public, and will have activities for all.

Here’s what people are saying about the Cortez Celtic Fair:

“The Cortez Celtic Fair is one not to miss! It’s a great event for the whole family with live music and plenty of food and entertainment. I look forward to this every year and love seeing the community come together for this unique event.”
Mike Lavey, Former City of Cortez Mayor
“As a Scotsman transplanted to SW Colorado, The Cortez Celtic Fair is a refreshing yet nostalgic event that is always a must in my annual planner. It’s like a piece of Scotland is transported to The Four Corners – except with way better weather….
Celtic music showcasing the best of Irish and Scottish musicians in the area certainly makes me yearn for the glens of my homeland. The Highland games, dance competition and ceilidh not only appeal to veteran Celtic lovers but have a definite appeal to newcomers who may be unfamiliar with this wonderful cultural experience. The Cortez Celtic Fair strives to celebrate all aspects of Celtic Culture – be they from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, The Isle of Man or Cornwall. With so many residents of the Four Corners being direct descents of Celtic folk, you don’t have to make much an effort to be soon be engaged in conversation with complete strangers about all things Celtic. The Fair has an overwhelming aura of friendship and kinship.
It is so refreshing to see so many attendees don traditional attire. Scots love to see other people wearing the tartan even if they don’t have roots with Scotland. Get yer kilt on and feel the breeze! See you at the next Cortez Celtic Fair!”
Ian Elder-Cheyne, Cortez Celtic Fair M.C.

“The Celtic Festival in Cortez will be a fun filled experience for the whole family. NMCA will be there to help put on the Athletic side of the festival. There will be weights flying, stone putting, and cabers turning in a day long competition. Come out to be part of the celebration of Celtic Heritage that will take place in June.”

Grant Oliver, Highland Games Coordinator, Albuquerque, NM

We Hope You Will Join US! 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Free Admission – Parque de Vida Cortez, CO

Making Cortez  a better place, one Celtic fair at a time!
